5 Quick Tips to Create a Great Last Minute Black Friday Deal

I was asked recently my best advice for last-minute Black Friday deals. Not in finding deals, but in creating them. Maybe Thanksgiving kind of snuck up on you, and you realized as you were out buying your turkey that you totally spaced prepping anything for Black Friday. Or Small Business Saturday. Or Cyber Monday. Or […]

What are social media KPIs? (and how should I use them?

I was on the phone with a potential client recently when the topic of KPIs came up. One of my favorite questions to ask when I’m on a call is what KPIs are being tracked. It usually gives me a good idea of what’s being watched, and what is perhaps a little misunderstood. So we […]

Quick Words on Flashing Lights and Belonging

My daughter is in elementary school. Each morning we drive near the school, then walk the rest of the way. It’s a wonderful way to start our morning – a walk and talk on the way to school? It’s blissful. This morning, though, the traffic was much worse than usual. As we turned left via […]

The One-Two Punch Cure for Imposter Syndrome

I was in a deep discussion recently with a dear friend when the topic of imposter syndrome came bubbling up. If you’re any kind of professional, you probably know the symptoms well… a sinking feeling that you’re going to be found out as a fraud? That everyone will realize you’re a big fat phony and […]

Failure Is Your Friend

I volunteer in a religious organization that serves 12-18 year old girls. We meet twice weekly, once for a lesson and once for an activity. The girls are usually there willingly, but some are there out of obligation. One of the programs in place to help the girls is focused on personal progression. There are […]

30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude is one of those words that get tossed around like parade candy during the holiday season. But there’s really something to it. Did you know gratitude is a mental coping strategy that can help with grief, anxiety, and depression? Since entrepreneurs and business owners are especially susceptible to these challenges, one of my favorite […]

Your social media sucks. Here’s 3 ways to quickly improve

Can I be blunt? Your social media sucks. I watch your Instagram channel, your Facebook feed, and your LinkedIn profile. I see you on Twitter. I even catch rare sightings of blog posts. And it’s so discouraging to me. Do you know why? Because you’re doing it wrong. Yes, I know there are a million right ways […]

Trust: How firing our financial planner changed the way I listen to my clients

We fired our financial planner. Let me rewind a minute… My husband and I met with a financial planner. We were finally comfortable enough to talk to someone about our financial future. It felt like a BIG deal. Seriously, a big deal. You see, I’m restructuring my relationship with money. To take this first step […]

How to write quick, easy, and effective YouTube descriptions

How to write quick, easy, and effective YouTube descriptions

YouTube descriptions are one of the underrated nuggets of the SEO world. If you’re creating YouTube videos, it’s easy to spend all your focus on lighting, sound, script, and overall content. After all, it’s a YouTube video. If you’re going to create high quality vide content, these things are a big deal. But what if […]

You Don’t Need A Website

You don’t need a website. I know what you’re thinking… Roxy, you build websites. Why are you telling me I don’t need one? Here’s the thing: I’ve built websites for over 10 years. I have watched businesses succeed, I’ve watched businesses fail, and the one thing that sets every one of them apart is a […]